Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Jewelry Explosion....

According to a study published this past March in Accessories magazine, Jewelry represented an estimated $9.7 billion in U.S retail sales for 2009.  WOW!  It is the largest accessory category with Handbags coming in second!   We learned that jewelry is increasingly becoming the way to update a wardrobe inexpensively.  

Here at JustGano, we are learning that our Members feel good about their jewelry selections and the low cost of memberships to receive these wonderful pieces.  They perceive a true value to their buy.

It always gives me pleasure to bring to people a product that is not only amazingly affordable, but can give a shopper a boost of confidence to their shopping experience.  We find many, many people to be extremely skeptical about trying out a membership.  Which is why we host the giveaways on various blogs to give the winner a chance to try out the membership for free!  Once they receive their welcome email and log on to create an account.... they immediately see how fun and easy it is to be able to receive their selections in the mail within just a few days.  I'm so happy to see that 8 out of 10 winners instantly become members! 

How easy is it, to browse the extensive collection and choose your fabulous items.  To look forward to a new item every month!  If you have the confidence in us to bring you your chosen items month after month and to trust in our ability to serve you, why should you have to pay for shipping?  You will never have to worry about.  Your only cost to receive the jewelry in JustGano.com is your monthly membership fee.  Signing up is very easy... sign up in our Join Now page, create an account and you will be directed to PayPal.com  You confirm your payment with either credit card or bank account and then you will receive an email confirmation confirming your subscription.  You will then be directed back to the site to start filling up your wishlist.  You will then receive your items in the mail in just a few days.  As a member, you will automatically receive free extra jewelry every 6 months.  You will receive more free jewelry on your birthday and on special holidays.  You  never know what extra surprise you find in your shipment!  It's that easy!!!  We recently added three more membership plans to give our members the option to upgrade or downgrade whenever they wish.  We are making it easy for you to create that Fashion Jewelry collection you always wanted.  So if you've been thinking about joining, come and see what all the buzz is about and sign up now!   

Become a Deb, Fashionista, Demi, Glamour Girl, SuperStar or a Diva!!!
Starting at $9.95, come and check out what all the buzz is about!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful creations and I just love the choice of colours and sparkle. I like to browse your blog. Wonderful piece of jewelry.
